So time once again for some pictures from our Family Vault (i.e. the box in our den) and if you're just joining us you can read about these albums and see the first one HERE, the second one is HERE, the third album is HERE, the fourth album is HERE and the fifth is HERE.
And as always: I'm sure it goes without saying that these pictures are not to be posted anywhere or used in any way without express permission from me. Period. I can be contacted at katamommy at I promise I don't bite! :D

Have a great weekend everyone!
Oh Maggi...these are just perfect and I adore the first one with the dog...Check out the bedding!!! AWESOME!!!
Wishing you a great weekend sweet friend!!! :-)
I love the pics with the couples under the tree!
Loving that cute dog
Another fabulous addition Maggi!
I see these photos and can't help but think that those were the days, everything seemed so simple and relaxed...sigh!
Love the first photo, my dog Toby covers his face like that when he does something bad. When I got home yesterday he was doing that, I soon discovered that he pulled two loaves of bread off the counter!
Have a fabulous weekend sweet friend!
Love and hugs,
Love looking at your family photos. The one of the dog kneeling at the bed is my favorite! Hope you have a great weekend:)
these just make me *swoon* :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Oh, so fabulous! Thanks for sharing these family gems, Maggi!
Very beautiful photos, Maggi! Times seems so simpler then, didn't they? Thanks for sharing the photos - and I agree with a few others...the doggy photo is definitely my fave.
Have a lovely weekend! Theresa
Actually, I'm pretty sure the last photo is my Aunt Jessie and her husband. She was my grandfathers sister.
I have very fond memories of visiting them in NJ, and picking raspberries from their yard.
Absolutely gorgeous photos! I adore the doggy =]
@Chris Thanks Honey! :*
Seems everyone was always so well put together..even the kids when it came to playing outside would look neat and tidy...until they came back in that is!! Love the satin coverlet on the bed and the little pooch looks so like he is it!! Great memories! Enjoy the rest of your day!! xOxO Nerina :)
Thank you for taking the time to stop by, your always welcome x
Thank you so much for the sweet comments! I love your pictures!!
I love, love, love that doggy picture. So cute. I'm sure I had a bed cover like that when I was little. It was pink - talk about static, it could make your hair stand on end :D
These pictures remind me so much of my own family album. One day I am going to scan them and send them to you!!! Just awesome!
Thanks for visiting The Open Window once again....I ALWAYS love coming by here!
Wanted you to know that you are single handedly responsible for getting me started on vintage TV! I've always loved it, but now, I am hooked...recent purchases include: The first seasons of I Love Lucy & The Flying Nun as well as the DVD of Holiday episodes from Classic TV.
My husband is a mgr at Barnes & Noble, so I am fortunate to get a real peek at what's new...I mean, old...well, you know what I mean!
Hey there. How are you doing today? I hope you've been having a fantastic weekend. Take care. Have a great week ahead. Cheers!
Wonderful pictures, they made me smile! Hope you are having a great weekend *kisses* HH
love these (esp. the pooch pic!)
Hey Maggs! I dig that praying Dalmation. LOL!
I LOVE these old photos!!!
I just love all these old photos from your family vault. The second one where he's looking down her dress is my favorite. LOL. Adorable Toot pics in the post below. I know what you mean about not getting around to everyone's blogs lately. I've been having the same problem this whole month it seems. Sigh...
Oh great photo's Maggi, lovely bedding in #1, poor dog, what is he doing.
awwwwww maggi ~ these pictures are so sweet :-)
i hope you had a perfect weekend!!
I so enjoy looking at thes old family pictures. I love think about what their lives might have been like in that time frame.Anothjer wonderful post.
I wish you and your family a most blessed Thanksgiving...
XXOO Marie Antionette
Such a gorgeous roundup of photos, I'm very happy that you were able to pry these jewels away from their industrial strength adhesive and share them with us.
From the (praying?) Dalmatian to the adorable couple under the Christmas tree, I love each and every one of these splendid family snapshots.
Huge thanks for continuing to share these slices of history with each week, sweet heart!
♥ Jessica
Super fab five, I LOVE the picture of the dog :)
So fantastic that you have these! That first one just makes me laugh! :> And the second to the last reminds me of a pic I have in my own vault from around the same time period. Do you have any of the old formula of UnDu? That might help you battle the evil picture eating glue!! Best of luck! :>
that dog is too cute - does anyone other than hotels use these bed covers any more? :D
that dog is soo cute! love the photos thanks for sharing your treasure!
These are fabulous pictures. I'm going to go and pull out my old family photo album and take a look at the pics I haven't seen in years. Thanks for the inspiration.
And PLEASE let me know how the pineapple sweet potatoes turn out for Thanksgiving. They sound so strange I bet they're the hit of the dinner.
Wishing you and your family a GREAT holiday.
Hey Maggi - As you know I think your blog ROCKS, so check out my latest blog post....
I have nominated you for the Kreative Blogger award!!! Hope you'll play along!!
I am sure you are off cooking today. Can't wait to see your photos!!!!
I left you an award over on my blog - hope you have time to play along.....
wonderful photos maggi! i love it when you share them!
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