It's time once again for some pictures from our Family Vault (i.e. the box of 11 albums in our den) and if you're just joining us you can read about these albums and see the first one here, the second one is here, the third album is here, the fourth album is here, the fifth is here and the sixth album is here.
And as always: I'm sure it goes without saying that these pictures are not to be posted anywhere or used in any way without express permission from me. Period. I can be contacted at katamommy at I promise I don't bite! :D

Oh what I wouldn't give for this huge Santa head to hang on my house. lol

Have a great day everyone!
Oh my, they are smack dab in the middle of the fifties in these photos, and boy do I love it! :) From the saddle shoes to the rabbit ears on the TV, these wonderful family snapshots are pure nostalgia gold.
Thank you so much for continuing to share these amazing albums with us, honey!
Tons of hugs,
♥ Jessica
I love old pictures because there are always memories that go along with them! A magical WW to you!
Oh Maggi...these pics are PERFECT!!!! AHHHH....I so wish we could go back to these days!!! Love the BIG Santa Face Decoration!!!!!
TFS and have a wonderful day sweet friend!!! :-)
these are priceless! The gal in the middle pics almost looks like a young Jackie O....and that dress!! Wonderful!
Ohhhh I want that television. And look! A sunburst mirror - they're back 'in' now aren't they? What fabulous photos Maggie, thank you for sharing them with us :)
Lovely photos, Maggi! Wow - that Santa head is so huge!!! And quite jolly. I think it's bigger than a wreath! Thanks for sharing them. :) Theresa
What fun! I do love that huge Santa head...wonder where I can find one? ;) Okay, so maybe not so much. But I love these old pictures. :)
stopping in from SITS!
I know you also wish you has that beautiful dress! Weren't they a cute couple. I bet his palms were sweatin' LOL!!!! Awesome photos!!!
Fabulous family photos, Maggi! Thanks for sharing with us! I would LOVE that big old Santa face on my house, too!
Hope you're having a marvellous day!
These are really great. I am so enjoying seeing all these pictures. I hope you'll have a wonderful day. Cheers!
i love the one of them wrapping gifts the best - wonderful treasures :D
love the photos hun, have a look aon my blog - there is something for you xx
love pictures from the 50s!!! that Santa head is ginormous!
i LOVE the santa head!! awesome!!!! and man, i want to wear a party dress so so bad!
poor Santa is going to get a complex with that freaking huge head! lol! great pics, such a treasure to have and so much fun to get to look through with you!
The TVs crack me up and the Santa head is so funny. I enjoy looking at your family photos!
I love the couple sitting in the oversized chair!
I love how we all LOVE that Santa head! One day we WILL spot it on Ebay....and when we do, we will have a BIG party!
Awesome, that's one BIG azz Santa head!
I want that santa too!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE these! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Oh my gosh the young girl and boy are so cute. Love these photo's, thanks for posting them.
What fantastic pictures. You are so lucky to have them. They really are charming :D
Beautiful pictures! The dress on the young beautiful lady took my breath away. It is truly such a treasure!
Oh, Maggi, these are priceless!! Just love them. And that television! I can just about remember them looking like that one!
Such great photos Maggi! I get a kick out of seeing the furniture and that TV and antenna is fabulous. Your Toot won't even now what that is now that they don't exist anymore...isn't that crazy?
I’ve enjoyed you sharing all of these, so fun to take a step back in time!
Love the dress in the second photo...I'm thinking I could use one of those, looks like it would hide a multitude of sins...aka my ample a**!
Love and hugs,
Oh Fuuuuuuuuudge! That's a BIG Santa head! LOL!
The white gloves with the formal dress are great. Ahhh, those were the days :-)
I LOVED the pics!! Thanks SO much for sharing. You and your blog are adorable!!!
Have a great day.
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