Ho ho ho!
What's that I hear?
A sleepy village
Full of Christmas Cheer!
What's that I hear?
A sleepy village
Full of Christmas Cheer!

Seasons Greetings and Merry Christmas!
Welcome to my Christmas in July blog party!
I'm so glad you could join me, do come in!

A jolly wreath adorns the door and Chris has been working hard to make a special treat just for you!

We make both sauerkraut and potato pierogies and love eating them for breakfast on Christmas morning (although the Southern girl in me makes sure they are deep fried! :P)

Chris' family has been making pierogies on Christmas Eve for generations. His grandmother used to make over 100 pierogies by hand-by herself on Christmas Eve morning. We carry on this tradition in our home during the holiday season.

What's this? Another family tradition, making delicious oladyi which is a Russian yeast pancake. We eat them with cloves of garlic.
They are a-m-a-z-i-n-g!
(Sugar Addicts note: they are even better douse in powdered sugar instead of garlic!)

The table is set, let's dig in!
Don't be shy, there's plenty for everyone!
And once you are full and ready to rest,
how about some Christmas classics before we open presents?
I don't know about you,
but all of those classics gave me a second wind and got me in the mood for presents!
Let's gather around the tree!
but all of those classics gave me a second wind and got me in the mood for presents!
Let's gather around the tree!

Oh look, I see a very special present under the tree!

Wait a minute...
Toot?! How did you get under there?!
This picture is of Toot at one month old...
Yes, I know...it's shameless Toot promotion. :P
This looks like a fun present, I'm going to open it!

Hang on, this present isn't for me!
It's for you!
Well, for one of you anyway! ;)
It's for you!
Well, for one of you anyway! ;)

My Christmas in July gift to one lucky party goer is a Cr3zy Design Blog (Personal) blog makeover (on me!) created for the winner by the fabulous Traci at Sweet Cheeky Designs (who designed my blog!). All you have to do to enter is comment in this thread by midnight, Sunday, July 26th. I will randomly draw the winner and make the announcement next week.
I need a way to contact you and you wouldn't want me to regift this to someone else would you??? :D
And now it's time to say good bye as you bundle up to head off to other fabulous parties today!
See that list in the right sidebar? Well those are other amazing parties just waiting for you to come and join the fun! Some have delicious refreshments, some have more presents, some have holiday stories and I know a few have some marvelous Christmas surprises in store for you! (Each link opens in a new window so you can remain here and have easy access to all of the parties!)
Please visit them all and enjoy yourself!
As you leave my cozy home to join other parties, feel free to come back and take your leisure by our fire whenever you like!
Thank you so much for making merry with me and celebrating Christmas in July. And thank you to all of my fabulous party hosts and hostesses, you are amazing and I'm having so much fun visiting with each of you and gettin' down with our holiday selves!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Wonderful post!!! I love that pic of Toot, how adorable! :-)
EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! Maggi!!! This LOOKS FABULOUS!!!! AND AND AND AND Pierogies!!!!!! Is Chris POLISH!?!?!?!?!? Brian's FAMILY is and WE HAVE THOSE EVERY CHRISTMAS and have them at the POLISH FESTIVAL every April!!!!!! And I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "Its a WONDERFUL LIFE"....fave MOVIE EVER!!!!! AND TOOT looks sooooooooooooo cute in her photo!!!! YOUR PARTY is OFF TO A FAB START!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh and I would LOVE to WIN to blog re-do for FAVE THINGS!!!!!!! My email addy is bmwgirl@cox.net!!!!! Have a great PARTY! :):):):):):):):):):):):)
How beautiful! Everything is so festive and lovely! Ohhh I want Christmas to be here soon!
WOW!!! Great, great, great!!!
Now I am dreaming of the Holidays...
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for making me feel so welcome at your home for Christmas. Thank you Chris for all your hard work too! Tootie's my sweet, big hug and kiss for you.
Well it's be fantastic, but I'm off to check out the others now.
love & xxxxx
you really went all out, I love it! my son is sitting with me and wants to watch all of the videos and listen to christmas music.
great post! Pioroges yummy! this is going to be great fun! Thanks for heading it up!
email is sband3@gmail.com so i can be entered int he giveaway :)
This is brilliant! Thanks for hosting! Merry Christmas!
You are so crafty!! I can't wait to try the Russian pancakes. I love cooking traditions and finding out more about you!!
What a great party! I loved everything and would love to sample your food. I loved your table, too. I have such a dish-ease!!!
I would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for a wonderful party. I will be back to view the videos. Now, I am off to visit the others.
Be sure to stop by this weeknend.
Thought I'd peek in before going to bed and what a surprise to find your post ready..how fun. I LOVE Christmas and all its traditions. I live for it every year. My son just found out there was no Santa, so we have to come up with another fun tradition this year. I can't wait. Thanks for bringing Christmas in July.
Yay!!!! I finally finished my Christmas post... (ummm, it's 1:19 am EST!)
I'm heading to bed and will get to partyin' after I get some rest...
haha...it took longer doing my blog than getting our kids' Christmas bikes assembled the night before Christmas!
*Oh yes, I'm giving a little gift to everyone that leaves a comment...10% off the cost of any drawing ordered...*
Thanks for hosting such a great event!
Love your Toot promotion! and can ya send some pierogies home with me? I do love them deep fried!
Yay! Merry X'mas Maggi! Thanks for hosting this wonderful party!
Toot is toooo cute!
OMG, this was so much fun, thanks for having me over , my dear. Next time I promise not to have so many pierogi's and rum :) *burp*
Hi Maggi!
I've had such a lovely stay at your home - such a fantastic event! Thank you and Chris for the huge, warm welcome plus Toots too of course! Big hugs and kisses all around!
It's been terrific - you are truly the hostess with the mostest! - but I've got to get off now to check out all the others!
PS My own email is nora@nora-johnson.com
Yeah! And we're off! Thanks again for hosting such a great fun event!
I dropped by to give you some warm
holiday best wishes! Hugs all the way from (((Texas))) ...
enjoyed viewing your cool yule blog.That pic of Toots in the box
under the tree - - priceless :)
YOU guys look like your Christmas
spirit is loving displayed all through your home.
God bless all .....
You throw one great party!! and I am hungry so I am really happy you served breakfast!! and present too!!! woohoo!!!!! Off I go to the next parties, but I will be back for seconds!
Someone else who has pierogies on Christmas Eve! Be still my heart! (No, I'm not Polish - only borrowed the custom from someone who is...)
You put on such a spread here, I don't feel bad now about *only* offering a (not really) "naughty" version of "Night before Christmas".
Merry merry!
I love your vil,lage. I have some houses and church very similar to those :) I have had them since i was a kid. Love your post.
Wow..Merry christmas!!(Never said that in July)Great party!Love all those xmas songs and the photo of your girl unther the tree is awesome!
Hey Miss Christmas...thank you for making me feel all jolly today! Pierogies...yum! I haven't had them for years but might need to try some soon. Merry Christmas in July!
Ahh what a wonderful way to spend the day with you and yum breakfast was just so delicious!!!! I was so exited when I saw all those presents and Toot is the best one!!!!! Merry Chritmas dear friend!!!!! :)
Happy Holidays!!!! Your post is so awesome. I have enjoyed my Christmas visit. Too cool.
Great Party! Thanks for hosting.
Maggi,this was all just to wonderful.We Southern women sure love our deep fry...LOL And I just adore your Toot.She will be all eyes this Xmas won't she???Everything was just fab. I'm off to visit the other parties,I'm so excited for everyone.XXOO Marie Antionette
pierogies...I better not tell my husband I'll be making them along with everything else on Christmas Eve.They look fantastic.Wow! what a gift.I'm going to keep your music going as I continue to visit your guests. Thanks so much for having me. Merry Christmas. Heidi
How fun is this?? Toot is such a cutie under the tree and what a fabulous tree it is. The music is of course, a lovely touch!
merry christmas in july! i love the pic of toot...and what celebration would be complete without a yule log? very nice. :)
Yay for the Christmas in July post!!
I have been working two jobs, and have not had time to put together anything!
Let me see if I can throw together something for my blog now!
I love your prezzie under the tree and I love this Christmas in July idea!!
I loved your party...so much fun! I had fun putting mine together too. My email addy is girl.scrappy at yahoo dot com!
Merry Christmas in July!
Maggi, thanks for making my Christmas in July wonderful. I've visited sites, enjoyed music, ate, drank and became merry!! Love this idea and thank you for hosting such a great event!! I wish someone would leave me a TOOT under the tree,, I'll be alone next Christmas.. anyway.. have a great holiday and thank you again!
Happy Christmas in July!!! Stopped in from SITS.
Well now, you cover all your bases and then some, divine Ms M! I love it all, and the music is perfect, and the movie clips make me so happy, and i...wait...do I smell...pierogies? YUM!
I'm hungry and happy and giddy and YOU DID IT!! IT REALLY IS CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!!
Merry Christmas Maggi! and Toot! And Chris!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxRhonda Roo
Merry Christmas in JULY!! Yah it finally came...like little kids waiting for that very special day..Love your blog giveaway what a giving person you are on this Christmas in July day!!!
HoHoHo.....Merry Christmas. What better christmas present than little Toot under the tree!! Love the welcome wreath and the fabulous party that followed!!
Thanks for being such a gracious hostess!! Now go and enjoy the holidays!!
Hugs xOxo, Nerina :)
love the pic of the toot present! great way to start the party!
Love the music and all of the great photos and clips, especially the vintage ones.
Thanks for a great party! I am off to the other blogs for a bit, but yours will stay open so I can keep visiting!
Maggie, Merry Christmas! I love it! This is such a cute sute site! This is Kimber from LP. My husband Michaels's name comes up when I go to sites.
Merry Christmas Maggi!!
What a wonderful Post!!! Your parties in real life must be fantastic, if they are this awsome in the web world!!!
And to offer such an awesome gift? That is sheer madness!!! Wow. My blog is boring, and MY PICTURES ARE MESSED UP!!! ok.
Have a great Christmas blog hop!~
Merry Christmas, Maggi! This is awesome, Thanks for Hosting!!!XOXO
Those pierogies [sp?] look amazing! Happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas in July, Maggi!
This was a great idea. Thank you for making us all feel so welcome to join you. I love the music playlist, that really makes if feel like Christmas, and I love your pictures, Toot is adorable! Can't wait to party with the others! Well, I'm off to the parties!
<3 Gina
Talk about feel at home !!!
Your Christmas's look so inviting!
Diane at Crafty Passions
Merry Christmas in July Sweet Friend!
I'm coming to your house this Christmas! Looks like so much fun! I'm going to smooch all over that adorable Toot while I'm there, that is the cutest photo ever!!
Thank you for doing this Maggie, it's so much fun and I'm trying to get to everybody...my computer is still being a brat and it's taking forever to download the sites...sigh!
A very merry Christmas in July!
All those yummy goodies in Christmas tradition are just wonderful.
Thanks so much for hosting this fun party!
Can I have the Toot from under the tree for my gift if I win? What a doll! :D
taiyalcargo AT hotmail DOT com
Maggi, I CAN NOT believe how you went all out for your party!! I love perogies! My husband is czech and I tried making these once, but have never done it again! Very nice party!
Merry Christmas in July Maggi! Your party is fabulous!
I don't expect to win .. I don't win stuff. And my blog (actually, 3 of them) is sort of boring, just a haphazard personal journal. But I had to comment because I'm a Christmas-addict, and LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! Thanks!
awe Maggie what a festive post! Toot is adorable, and what wonderful blog candy!!! Thanks Maggi for putting this together! I am off to check out the other blogs!
It was wonderful spending some time at your house for Christmas! I just may come back every year ;) Thanks for your gracious hospitality....Merry Christmas!!
I totally want to come eat at your house on Christmas Day - everything looks so good. Your little Toot is beyond adorable. :) Thanks SO MUCH for hosting such a fabulous party... I'm off to visit other parties now.
Merry Christmas in July!
~Bella (Beauty Does Matter)
Dear Maggi! Me again just to thank you for your lovely comment and to let you know you are included in the random draw on July 31st for the Christmas in July giveaway!! But can’t stop now unfortunately ‘cos got to visit all the remaining participants and my computer's playing up and taking for ever to download all the sites! But I will persevere and hope to reach them all before nightfall!
Have so enjoyed my second visit to your gorgeous site! And thanks once again for hosting such a memorable event and see you again soon!
PS Shall I send over my PA to help clear up after the party? Well, on reflection, perhaps better not - she's hopeless and will only make matters worse...!!!
This is so festive and fun...we always have perogies for holiday meals (including blueberry ones as dessert type fruit perogies).
Toot is ADORABLE!!!!
From one Maggi to another!!! I love Christmas, I am working on Christmas goodies already!!! I love your blog, so much to see!! Love your special present under the tree!! What a doll she is for sure!
Have a great day and thanks for having such a fun party!!!
If it wasn't so hot I would whip up some perogies, I am Ukrainian but Hubby is Dutch!!
Margaret B
What a wonderful party! I love love love that song! And fried pierogies... yum yum! Have a very Merry Christmas!
All my favorites~ We're kindred spirits!
Happy Saturday to you! I am slowly making my way around to all the blogs that visited me when I was featured on SITS to say "Thank you". It is indeed a fabulous SITStahood.
Be blessed!
Great Post! Maggi!all the food!Yummy Yummy!What time do we eat?!
Hi Maggi,
Your party is fantastic!, so festive. I had a plastic village like that back in the 70's , I wish I hadn't sold it in a yard sale.I have never have eaten Pierogies,but they look delis.(It must be great to have a hubby that cooks.) Your table is beautiful and the food makes me hungry. I love watching the videos, really gets you in a christmas(in July) mood.The present under your tree is a Precious, Beautiful gift from God , you are blessed!
Thank you so much for hosting such a wonderful blog party. Thanks for the sweet comment you left at my party& Merry christmas in July!
ps Please enter me in your totally awesome give away.
Great job Maggi! It looks like such fun and everyone seems to be have a Merry Christmas in July today!
Mmmm... perogies! We have brunch on Christmas at the in-laws and it's full of southern food, enough to give one a stomach ache LOL!
Toot is adorable under the tree!
And such a generous give away!
Wonderful post!!!! I loved everything about it, especially the pierloggies or whatevere they are, they look YUMMY! cool gift too! my email addy is 3pajaritos@live.com
Maggie, thanks so much for hosting this fabulous party!! You certainly know how to throw one and it looks like you guys have all the festivities going at your place!! I am having so much FUN!!!
Merry Christmas in July!!
you have me very, very excited for christmas now! i love that you have special traditions, we don't....however this year we have been talking about incorporating some new traditions.
Awe- I got tears in my eyes this was so cool. Merry CHristmas Sweet Girl. Thanks for having me:)
Love to you and yours!
Those potato thingys look divine. I am going to have to try them. I am so glad I came to your party. Next year I will have a better idea of what to do!
Merry Christmas in July!
Toot is adorable!♥
Merry Christmas Maggi - WOW!! Do you ever know how to do it up right!!! Your decorations are beautiful and well the food is amazing!!! YUM!!! Thanks for hosting - this is truely wonderful!!! LOVED celebrating with you!!!
I saw your post appear in my blog feed before I went to bed (late) last night, but I made myself wait 'til the morning to read it. The anticipation made it feel even more like Christmas! Thank you for hosting this lovely festive event!
Just two quick questions:
1. what are pierogies, exactly?
2. can I steal that cute little present in the red box? hehe, Toot is way too adorable!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Wow, I just found your party; wish I had known about it sooner so I could have joined in!
I happen to be having a giveaway on my blog this weekend for "Christmas in July". Stop by if you like PINK! :)
This is such a great party! Neat idea! Love the music! Your picture of Toot is too cute! Love it all!
Jamie Harris
Wow. Awesome post with great photos. Your writing is very witting. I would love to win the blog makeover for my Christmas blog. :)
That was a fantastic post! I am in the mood for cooler weather and Christmas decorations now!
This has been a fun blog party. I have really enjoyed getting in the Christmas mood. Too bad we still have wait so long for Christmas to actually be here. Toot is just a little cutie patootie isn't she? Great picture of her. And thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving me a comment. It really means a lot to me that you did.
Im soooo in the mood for Christmas now!! Im so happy that I found out about your blog..there is so much more for me to check out, but what Ive seen so far I L.O.V.E.!!! P.S.-Toot is adorable!!!!
Im soooo in the mood for Christmas now!! Im so happy that I found out about your blog..there is so much more for me to check out, but what Ive seen so far I L.O.V.E.!!! P.S.-Toot is adorable!!!!
This is so fun! I am having a great time looking at everyone's Christmas decor and traditions.
Your perogies look YUMMO!!
Maggi, I can't remember if I left a comment last night when I visited or if I waited until now when I had visited everyone else, too.
Thanks for a wonderful party. I have spent a marvelous afternoon reading and watching videos and listening to music. In the background I had QVC CIJ playing on the tv.
Your post was great. The food looks wonderful. What a beautiful little package that baby made.
Thanks again for a great CIJ.
Thanks so much for getting this little clam bake started. It has been so fun. I love your post, and can't wait to visit the other Christmas junkies!
Maria @ Rainy Day Farm
Merry Christmas Maggi!
I'm running late today.
I swear I'll never get my old place packed up before the 31st!
Your oladyi made me hungry..they look delish!
Sorry for my late post..ack!!
I left out so early to get alot done.
I feel rotten about forgetting :(
I'm here from Felicia's CIJ. I also have a CIJ posted, but don't see a Mr. Linky for yours.
Love your traditions, and I want that darling little red package under your tree!! LOL!
stopped back now that I visited each post....and I just wanted to say I had a wonderful time making so many new friends, many happy returns of the day. Thank you,heidi
Your blog party is awesome, Maggi! I forgot about my hubby's work party today, so I've been MIA! I love all your fabulous decorations, photos, and movie clips! Tell your hubby, the pierogie's look delicious!
We have pierrogi too for Christmas and Easter,,home made are the best..
Your baby is adorable..
I came over from Printers Devil..
I didn't see where to link my post though..
Your baby is adorable..Merry CIJ..
stopping by again honey :) I am now just making my rounds!
Thank you so much for hosting this Maggi! I had a great time!
I went to every single blog!! 2 didn't work though :(
and a few didn't have a party :(
But everyone did a great job!!
P.s. I heart your new default pic you are gorgeous & I updated My xmas post!
fun!! i love that pic of toot under the tree :)
Love the pic of Toot!!! Thanks for hosting a giveaway!
You had me at pierogies! My all time favorite food. Yours look AMAZING!
This is a very fun post! Thank you!!!!!!
Thanks again Maggie, that was a lot of fun. I visited each and everyone one! Taaaa Daaaa!
Merry Julymas!
Yes, definitely am having sooo much fun.... and thankyou for leaving the links up for one more day!!! I hope that I can visit everyone...this is the last weekend before our younger daughter has to fly back to college, so trying to spend as much time with her as possible...
And I am so impressed that Y'all have made it to all the parties! Whew!
Mele Kalikimaka! Maligayang Pasko!
Blessings & Aloha!
Thanks so much for stopping and leaving your kind comments at my family’s Christmas memory party :o)
What with the party and all, I didn't mention I loved the gorgeous picture of you on profile. Sweet as.
Thanks for all your hard work, I think everyone had a blast.
What fun, I love that photo of the living room filled with Christmas. Your little baby is the cutest, and this is my favorite Christmas music. Merry Christmas in July.
So festively fantastic! I love your Christmas post and the fact that pierogies are part of your holiday celebrations too (my Russian relatives tend to go pierogy crazy at New Years, but still, that's close enough to Christmas to count to me :D) And isn't oladyi marvelous? My favourite way to top them has always been with strawberry or raspberry jam and lashings of sour cream.
Thank you for the wonderful, yummy Christmas thoughts!
Merry Christmas in July, honey!
♥ Jessica
Thank you again Maggi, for hosting this party! It was wonderful. I found some amazing blogs because of it.
And the party is still going strong! It's Sunday afternoon, and I'm still getting great comments! :)
<3 Gina
You have a fabulous blog. I saw the link on Terri's blog "Christmas Tree Lane". So glad to find you. I look forward to reading and checking out your links!! Merry Christmas!
I just wanted you to have 100 comments AND to tell you thank you for the awesome Christmas in July paartayy!!!
I can't wait to see who's blog I get to design. Some of your friends already have fabulous blogs!! Hey, who doesn't want to start another one, though, right?
Maggi, I post a big thank you on my blog, but realized that you wouldn't see it. Thank you for the wonderful CIJ blog party. I spent hours visiting each and every one of the parties and got so many new ideas and enough Christmas cheer to get me through the next few months.
I am so glad that I found your blog in time to join in all the fun.
I just about out about this festive celebration~so sorry I'm late (early..late...early) whatever! Your little Toot there is soo cute:) Your cooking looks so delicious~ I have never heard of Oladyi but would love to try some:) Off to see how others are "celebrating" :)
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