Oh here's my elf now!

Okay fine, that's not an elf. That's Toot from Christmas last year. She was only a month old when this picture was taken. Awwwwwwwww......
Okay seriously folks, I am so EXCITED for tomorrow! It's just like Christmas Eve when you're dying to open presents and you're praying Santa Claus brings you that pair of roller skates with the pink glitter pom poms and then you can't get to sleep and then your parents tell you if you don't go to sleep that Santa won't come and that scars you for life because how can you possibly make yourself sleep if your body refuses to sleep which means Santa won't come and there won't be any skates, no Barbie dream house and then no Christmas...oh no, it's happened...overload...Christmas overload.....
*deep breaths*
Whew, okay...I think I'm okay now...
So anyone remember that frantic Christmas feeling from childhood or was I the only looney tune up late on Christmas Eve praying that God would knock me out so Santa would come? Hmmmmm????
Well at any rate, let's take a break from all of the Christmas in July Eve cleaning, planning and preparing with a little break, eh? For those of you who aren't aware of the newest Christmas tradition, a particular television channel here in the states shows the movie "A Christmas Story" on Christmas Eve over and over for a straight 24 hour period. And it...is...AWESOME! So let's relax a little before we get back to work, shall we?
All right, break's over! :P
I do have some late breaking news to share with you all and then I'll give some final instructions and tips for tomorrow! *excited Jillian dolphin squeal*
1. The ever fabulous Karyn is paying it forward by making a little something something for 5 people that visit her blog. I was lucky enough to be one of those 5 people and now I get to pay it forward by making something for 5 of you! You know, I don't even mind if it's more than 5, if you would like something made by me, just let me know by e-mailing me at katamommy at gmail dot com and I'll send something out to you! (International peeps are welcomed!)
2. The newsletter is up and running at Life Preservers Scrapbook Club and if you click here and scroll down you'll see their member spotlight. Go on, keep scrolling! Did you see it??? Oh snap! It's me! *blush* Garsh golly gee!
3. The amazing Kirsty from Giggly-Cupcake gave me this award!

Thank you so much for thinking of me Kirsty, you are so fabulous!
4. The marvelous Ally is hosting a vintage themed ATC swap and last I heard she had two spots still left open so if you're interested in a swap, head over to her blog or e-mail her at xoxoallyserrato at aol.com for more info! This is my first swap with Ally and I'm super excited!
5. And not only that but I am hosting a vintage themed ATC swap over at LPS (what can I say, I cannot get enough vintage!) and we have 4 spots open at the moment so if you're interested in signing up, head on over and sign up for the message board! The folks there are so amazing and hey, I'm there so...you know... :P
Hey, look at me! I did post a Fab Five today! Go me! :D
And I bet you thought I had forgotten about my pay it forward stash giveaway and you would be right, so sue me! :P
The winner is...Christy! E-mail me your address and I'll send ya some special Maggi stash! (Scrapbooking stash I mean!)
Now on to party business....
I cannot believe the response I've gotten from people ready to celebrate Christmas in July with me! From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much! And for those of you that aren't able to host a party but are planning on visiting with us, thank you very much, you will be so amazed with everything in store for you!!!
Now, I want to make sure I make things as clear as possible for you all so here's some last minute tips and instructions:
-You do not need to host a party on your blog in order to enter any giveaways or to party hop. We want everyone to enjoy all of the parties and the hosts are looking forward to sharing their Christmas in July with you! So don't be shy, stop by these fabulous parties, leave a comment and spread some Christmas magic of your own!
-Party hosts: don't forget to post your parties!! lol If you need to be taken off the list or want to be added on, e-mail me ASAP! katamommy at gmail.com
-Tomorrow, you will start here with my party, then you can begin to visit the blog parties listed to your right in the sidebar. They are listed in alphabetical order and you can visit them in any order you want! Start from the top, start from the bottom or start from the middle! Go crazy!
In order to make visiting the parties as easy as possible, each link will open in a new browser window so that you never leave my blog and lose the list. If I can give you a tip: click on a few of the links at one time and then close each window after you leave a comment there. Then carry on to the next few you click on, make sense? Believe me, this will save you some time and you can have blogs loading while you're reading others. My personal strategic maneuver is to click on 5 blogs at a time, comment on each and then go to the next five.
Now if you will excuse me, I need to go put on my stern Mommy face for this next bit...
Okay, I'm back. Now it's time for a gentle nudge, to both party hosts and party goers:
The people hosting parties on their blogs have put a lot of time and effort to make it as fun and special as possible. Some of them are giving away blog candy (out of their own pockets) and quite a few are first time blog party hosts and I want to make sure that they all have the best experience possible.
Now, I know that you have busy lives and I certainly don't expect everyone to be go all out but please make the effort to visit as many (if not all!) of the parties as possible (especially you hosts!). Just join some parties instead of reading the morning paper with your coffee! I will definitely be visiting everyone on the list and cannot wait to see all of the creative parties out there!
Again, I don't expect anyone to be perfect and I certainly understand that there are time issues, just please do your best, it will be so appreciated by our fine party hosts and hostesses!!!
Stern Mommy Face off now...Thank you for your kind attention! :)
Okay, I've read, reread and rewrote that last part a dozen times and I'm praying that didn't come off rude or mean! *nervous* I'm so excited and you know how it is when you host a party, you want everyone to have the time of their lives! lol
Listen, y'all are fabulous and I am just so excited to be sharing this event with you all! How will I get any sleep tonight?!?!?!?!?!
YOUR Toots is an absolute angel in that photo, I so enjoyed viewing it.
It will be such fun for you this Christmas making a new photo of her, maybe even with old Santa.
Look forward to the merriment tomorrow!
It came off just perfect.
It's like you wrote this post on speed, I can see you running around like a wind-up doll.
re your comment at mine, me too!
Christmas Eve honey, will see you Christmas Day, lots of love,
xxx DJ
I am excited for your party!!!!!!! Sounds like soooooooooooooooo MUCH FUN!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the photo of Toot too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
We are all excited and you are such an efficient and organized hostess. will you come to my house and organize a dinner party?
that photo is just toooo cute! i loved your post and your party sounds like a blast
Hi Maggi, You've done everything just perfectly! Congrats! And looking forward to Christmas Day as much as you!
PS When it's all over, can you please pop over & organise things around here - my PA, Nora's simply useless!
Now I'm nervous my little party will be lame! hahaha. :-) I can't wait to see what everyone does tomorrow! thank you for hosting this, too awesome!
Can;t wait for tomorrow. (U didn't sound mean lol)
Christmas eve is a frantic yet blissful time. You have so much to do...and I can see it in your post....but you know, tomorrow will be incredible!!
Just sittin back enjoying some eggnog takin in the Christmas Story!! Don't forget to leave some cookies and a drink for the big guy in the red suit!
xOxO Nerina
Good Golly Maggi! I feel like I just ran a marathon! You crack me up...EVERY SINGLE TIME!
Thanks for hosting and I'm looking forward to tomorrow, I'm a bit nervous as I'm a blog party virgin, but I'll give it my best shot!
That Toot is so darn cute...can't get enough!!
you came off great maggi - good to be clear on your expectations. i am going to be early hopping and then late hopping to those i don't get to first thing in the morning (going cropping tomorrow too)!
my post is ready to go and i'm ready to PARTY!!!
Sounds like so much fun and I will be attending as many of the parties that I can...So sorry that I could not host....but with all that is going on....I can hardly think!!!! Have fun tomorrow and I love your ELF!!! :)
Oh my!! You are darling!! Found you via Darling Karyn. I need to get in the loop and find out what all this buzz is! I am very new to bloggy parties. I will be back. Deep Breath Sweet Girl. Your sweet baby is beyond sweet. :)
Oh Maggi ,I just can't wait for the party to begin...I'm already making my Christmas vignettes.In fact i just got though making an upside down tree for a lady.I will be posting it soon.I wanted to host this Christmas party ,but was just to late and not feeling the best i could be.But i'm fine,just ear infection,anyway I'll be sure to vist these oparties for I know sevel of my blog buddies are giving one.Of course yours will be on the top of my list.Your little Toots is just so precious.Butt paste does work...HEHE...just not on the face.LOL...Thanks for stopping by my dear, and a big good luck to all of you tomorrow. I just love Xmas all yr round.I really do need to set up another blog just for it Xmas.XXOO Marie Antionette
Happy Christmas in July Eve!
I think I missed something over at the LPS newsletter because I didn't see you or the spotlight thing you are mentioned in.... going to have to take another look. Good luck tomorrow!
I think it came off with just the right amount of sternness without any rudeness. IF that makes sense lol. i am so excited! I added a reminder to my blackberry so I don't forget to post. I will probably tonight just to be safe :D
that is a long butt post! but full of good info -- looking forward to... christmas!
I am SOOOO excited I never win anything..Oh and your package went out today...if you don't get it by Tuesday let me know and I will look up the confirmation number:) So excited...still trying to get a christmas party ready for my blog tomororw before I tell you I am in. Still have to make sure I can make it happen before I do it:) Have some ideas but nothing made so we will see! I will email you my address in a little while:) PS I have a new secret blog on my blog..see if you can find it one person did so far so let's see if you can do it lol!
Gorgeous little baby!
Couldn't resist coming over to visit another Maggi(e)
Great blog!
Welll now isnt that the sweetest elf ever? :-)
Oh me too me too! I am so excited here in Florida about tomorrow's shindigs! I have been singing Christmas tunes all day (much to my coworkers dismay hee)
I LOVE Christmas Story, are you talkin' TBS? It stays on that channel all day at my house Christmas, cuz its just not Christmas without it!
PS I do not think you were too stern. Sometimes when you're tryin to herd cats you gotta make em focus HAHA!
Thanks again for hosting!
xoxoxoxox Rhonda the gonna have trouble staying in bed after midnite Roooooooooooo
If your readers are half as creative and energetic as you, I'm in trouble. Great idea about the five windows at a time thing.
Maggi all the info was presented perfectly. I posted early. I hope you don't mind my 200th post is tomorrow and I'm hosting a giveaway....a bit overwhelmed. Wanted to be sure to do my best with both. Heidi
I am excited, too. I am launching my new Christmas blog AND hosting a giveaway! What a fun day it will be!
Ok MagMuffin, your stern Mommy face is more like a reasonable face. I'll do my best!
Looking forward to stopping by tomorrow! :)
I am looking forward to partying as much as possible tomorrow...off to set up my party!
I wish you the MERRIEST Christmas in July EVER, I know you'll have a blast!! Toot is so CUTE! xOxO
Excellent post!!! My party is ready to go, and I have a prize to give!!
I think we may be around the same age, because I wanted the same things for Christmas!!!
And, A Christmas story!! We watch it for the whole 24 hours! Did you know, that on ebay, there was an auction to win a trip to stay in the house from the movie? and you got to eat at the Chinese restaurant!!! Cool, or what?
LOL, you sound nervous. I won't be able to participate in this party, but I'll definitely try to get around to a few blogs tomorrow. Sounds like a ton of fun, I can't wait to read over my morning coffee.
I'm sorry. I can't get past how adorable Toot is!
1st...very sweet little Christmas baby!!!
2nd...I think I'm ready for tomorrow's party! so hope it's not too late to say "Please include my blog... and y'all are welcome to take a peek around at what Christmas blessing was made especially for me (even before I was born!) I think this will make more sense, once ya drop by. :o)
Thanks for hosting this fun event!
I am new to this bloggy stuff, but I LOVE Christmas, and popped over from Christmas Tree Lane. Thanks so much for all the fun and your excitement!
oh i can't wait to see all the christmas parties!! and i love that picture of toot!
Oh my stars, could Toot look any more festively adorable? I seriously think not, she is such a precious little sugar plum! :)
Oodles of hugs to you both!
♥ Jessica
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