I love the sounds, sights and smells of the holiday season. It's cold, there are carols to sing, Rankin & Bass animated specials to watch and pounds to put on. And since here in beautiful North Carolina it is currently hot and humid, what better way to cool off that to throw a Christmas party in July?
"But Maggi, this is madness!"
Yes but if the stores can start putting out their Christmas wares now, why shouldn't we be able to have our own Christmas in July blog party?
"Gee, I never thought of it that way. But what can I do? I'm just one blogger."
Never fear my internet friend, I am here to help!

What better way to celebrate the holidays than with a party that leaves no mess, creates no extra bulges in the stomach area and won't max out the credit card! I love throwing parties and I hope you all will join me!
Everyone is welcome to participate and if you don't celebrate Christmas, feel free to join with your own holiday traditions or a Winter Wonderland party! This party can be whatever you want it to be: your holiday recipes, old pictures, histories, story telling, holiday crafts, giveaways, pictures, anything you can imagine that is Christmas/Winter/Holiday oriented!
This party is going to be so awesome, the amazing Gypsy Fox made me two fabulous banners! (Thank you dahling!) Feel free to post either one to your blog and invite everyone to join in the fun!

The Fine Print (otherwise known as "What the heck are you talking about?!")
1. If you would like to become a Christmas in July partier, simply post one of the above banners (or the button below) on your blog and then e-mail me at katamommy at gmail dot com with your blog/site name and URL. I will list everyone that has signed up in my right hand sidebar so there will be an organized list for everyone to visit on party day.
2. Throw your "party"! Basically, this will be a post that involves Christmas/Winter in some way. Feel free to "serve" drinks and snacks, post pictures, share recipes, tell a story or share memories, show us your holiday crafts or creations and if you've been holding back some blog candy for a rainy day, forget that rainy day and have a giveaway as part of your party! Just use your imagination and be creative! (I will only make one suggestion and that is to use the auto post function so that your post publishes early in the morning on the 25th. You know how early birds tend to show up and we don't want anyone missing your party!)
**Please include my blog link in your party post so that your visitors will know where to come to find a list of all of the parties!**
3. On Saturday, July 25th start here and join me for a rocking Christmas party! I'll get you in the mood for some holiday fun and I will be giving away an awesome "present" from me to one lucky person (and it is not a fruitcake)!
4. After you've enjoyed the festivities here, hop around to the other parties listed in the right side bar. Whether or not you decide to host a party, everyone is welcome to hop through the blogs and enjoy some Christmas cheer!
If you sign up to host a party, please make sure you do, in fact, have a party post up on the 25th! If you find that you won't be able to participate, that's okay-just e-mail me and I'll take your blog off the list. You can e-mail me to join the party anytime up until the 25th, the more the merrier!
Here is a smaller button, just copy the HTML below to add to your blog:

Or you can use this button:

I hope you will all join me in getting down with our bad selves! Please feel free to e-mail me at katamommy at gmail dot com to sign up your blog or with any questions!
"It's A Marshmallow World" here at Just Add Glitter and Stir!
I am sooooooooooooooo hoping I can join in!!!!! I leave the Monday after the 25th for NJ....sooooooooooo let's hoping I can BE DONE with PACKING by then and PLAY ALONG! :):):):):):):):):):)
Sounds like soo much fun, but I won't be home that day! Bummer!
Love the banners!
Maggi - you are too much! I would love to join you Christmas in July party! I'll email you very shortly. Have a happy fireworks day!
This sounds great Christmas in July. Happy 4th Maggi....
Sign me up!!
I'm putting the button on my blog right now!
i am totally in - i will email shortly :)
This sounds like so much fun Maggi and I know you'll be the hostess with the mostess!! :)
This sounds like a blast!! Can't wait!
Hi Maggi,
Oh so much fun! I'm in and I'll email you as well. This will be my first blog party...can't wait. Thank you so much for hosting!
Oh heck Maggi, I'm in! My first ... what fun! Do you feel as wrecked after as a real party??
Thankyou for hosting and doing all the hard work.xxxx
Hi, me again, was coming back for email,(woops forgot) but you have me listed, so won't worry. Thanks honey xxxxx
too bad I'll be out ...sounds really really fun, though!
I totally want to join in on your blog party!! Maggi, your blog is so fab, I just love all the cool vintage images!
I am new to something like this but I would love to join in on the fun,
could use some jollinessz!
yeah!!! i'm loving this! count me in...ho ho ho!!!
You are soooo adorable Maggi! Holy Cow *grin*... that was the coolest shout out ever! I'm in too! Hooray for it's a marshmallow world.. Except that I'm a horrible pyromaniac when it comes to them. Do you like to burn them and eat the skin too? Heck.. Who doesn't!
So...is this...
The Gift Of The Maggi????
Hee hee
Well, having just finished cleaning everything spic and span from the Mad Tea Party, I would just have to say, the idea of another party, well, what I mean is~~~~
Wooo hoooooo!
Love it! Uber Fab idea! You rock!!
Sounds like fun! I grabbed a button.
hey there!
I stumbled over your blog via French Charming and I totally love it!
Oh your so much fun! I think I will have to join this party...let me see what I can come up with...ohhhh and I heard that Bach. was AWESOME this week..Bout to watch it online:)
I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!! I could use a little Christmas now...heck anytime! I will let you know when I post it on my blog because I want to join in for sure!! Woohoo! Great idea, Maggi!!
Great post! I love the idea of Christmas in July. I am so ready for Christmas this year. I love that clip. There's not much better than Dino and Frank crooning Marshmallow World. Have a great week. Cheers!
This sounds like loads of fun! I would love to play along! :)
Hi Honey I am super excited about this party I just might make some real mimosas, like I usually do! :) of course you can count me in!!!! so glad you like the buttons & I've already had both up on my blog! XOXOXO
Sounds like you totally know where to find a PARTY! Hope you had a wonderful time! I have been out of town at my camper and I feel like I was exiled to Siberia...NO internet! I now know what it feels like to go through withdrawal! LOL!
I DID get your jam and it is FAB-U-LOUSLY DELISH! The second I got it, I ripped the package open and had a spoonful...welll, OK, several! LOL! The little sugar high served me well as I was running around like a mad woman trying to pack and get out the door for my trip. I took my computer, hoping to log on and send you a huge thank you! But the wireless access that is supposed to be running through the campground decided IT needed a vacation! I couldn't log on at all! So now you know why I've been slack at offer my gratitude! BTW, I sooooo need your recipe. That stuff is addictive! :)
yes for me!! I am posting your button right now!!! Thanks!
Hey Maggi,
Thanks for the visit - I am thinking about joining in the Christmas party, but need to check my calendar and I'm just too tired tonight to commit to anything that requires half a brain. LOL Love you blog, by the way, I'll be back...
Maggie! You're such a GENIUS! How fun is this?????? I'm soooooooo IN! Hmmmmm......I'm so excited! I'll put up the button right now and email U!
Okay, I love Christmas, love your blog...and can't wait for the party! I'm going to post about it now and will send you my info.
Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway!! Yea!!
I'm waiting to see if I'll be home the day of the grand Christmas Party...I sure hope I can do it!!!
Your blog is simply adorable!!!
Oh, I hope I am able to play, what a grand idea!!!
late night blog hopping and TaDa I meet you....can't wait to be a part of the christmas party! Heidi
I love the idea of Christmas in July! I will be emailing you soon.
Merry Christmas8-)
Maggi...I just love your blog! What a fab idea for a blog party! I am soooo in! I will email you tonight, you rock :)
I would love to join your party, but we're having a real Christmas in July party that day! LOL! There are *5* birthdays in our family in the month of July, with the majority of them on or close to that weekend, so we always have a party around then. This is the first time in a long time it fell on the 25th, so it was only natural... LOL!
ANYWAY, that video is so funny! Both actually, but I mean the Mitzi Gaynor one... she's singing *It hasn't snowed a single flurry...* while snow is all over and falling practically like a blizzard around her! ROTFL!
Hello Sweet Lady,I would love to join in,I will get back to you,for I have to see if my daughter will put your button on my site foe me.I'm not good at that kind od stuff. You have alovely blog and I hope to get to know ya'll better.I'm a southern girl myself, New Orleans born and bred Dahling...LOL, of course I live 50 miles away in good ols Miss.XXOO Marie Antionette
Oh, I am so glad I found you today. I was checking out all the Ice Cream Socials that joined in at Eye Candy Creations even today and found a link to your site.
I love Christmas and have been celebrating CIJ all month. I will be here with a party to share. Actually, I will have an excuse to have another party, now.
I am having all my family over on July 25 for a Christmas in July dinner with all the fixings. I will be able to share all the parties from your site with my guests. Be sure to check back with me the day after the 25th for more photos of the party held that day, too.
I have been hosting a CIJ weekly giveway at my Christmas Memories in My Heart blog all month. The drawing is at midnight every Wednesday. There is a meme button on my sidebar that is clickable with all info. I hope you will consider placing it on your blog. We still have plenty of things to giveaway.
I am also into dishes and tables and am hosting a CIJ Tablescape Party on Saturdays this month. Please come and see all the holiday tables each Saturday. You can visit or join with one of your tables. Either way you will be entered in the giveaway of a beautiful Christmas tablecloth to be given away on July 25.
So, you can see why I am so excited to find another holiday party. I will be there. Now, I am off to plan my party for your event.
Thanks for stopping by. I just realized that I had only added your meme button for the party to one of my blogs. It is now on both! See you on the 25th.
I would love to join! Finally a party where I can actually contribute something of my own (I'm an x-mas junkie). Plus I've been needing some motivation to start working on some crafts. This is perfect.
Maggi - great idea!Count me in!
Oh what fun! What a great idea to have Christmas in July. I also loved the Marshmallow World video -- I've never seen that before. Such fun. Now I just hope I remember to come visit everyone on July 25. I'd better put it on my calendar :)
Hi Maggi,
I've decided to party with you on the 25th. I emailed you yesterday and put your button on my blog, hope you got my email. Cheers,
I am going to party with you, too, by launching my Christmas blog that day!
I'll email you with the details!
What a super duper cool and fun idea!!!! I love this!!
Saw this over on French Charming and had to come check it out. What a fun idea! I'll e-mail you here in a minute to join the festivities.
thanks for visiting my blog and I'm excited about trying to figure out how to join your party. The button is sassy. Christmas Love
I do so want to join...but I'm not to sure how...even with your great instructions!
so...do I post your Christmas banner on to the side of my blog?
hmmm... I know this is old hat to many, but it is new, new, new to me...I have done a blog hop, hmmm, maybe that's the same thing?
Love your blog and am a new follower!
oops! meant to say... if I can't get it straight for this one, I'll be sure to keep checking in to see what other fun parties you plan on hosting! :o)
If you get a chance to take a peek at my blog, please leave a comment so that I know that you were there.
Blessings & Aloha!
Melekelekemaka! (Hawaiian for Merry Christmas!)
I just stumbled across your blog, and it has made my day! I always find myself in the xmas mood around this time, as I'm apparently only willing to wait approx. 6 months for this holiday to come around. Now off to think of a creative christmas post with lots of good cheer....
I just found your blog via Karyn at French Charming and I am vacillating between doing a happy dance at finding a fabulous, fun, and obviously, glitterfied blog to read, check out and play at AND sad, sad, whimpers that I did not find you before a half hour to midnight before the 25th of July!!
However, even though I may not be a particpating poster, I will, however, come back tomorrow and check out the bloggers that are. I am glowing in Christmas bliss, the most perfect kind of Christmas bliss...without any stress of making sure I have enough food, presents wrapped, carrots for the reindeer to munch on, or any other 'delight' that is shared.....bliss of memories past, dreams for future memories to glow in my heart, and all sung to a little Nat King Cole to make it all the more warm, cozy, and merrier!
Merry Christmas in July and I'll see ya on the Big Day (no, not in the twenty minutes until the wee morn' of The Big Party, but a few fabulous hours later (tomorrow is Saturday afterall, and hubby will rise with the energetic kidlets and Mama must take advantage of this, one of the greatest of presents...besides, the actual family! :>). Night-night!
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