This layout was made using the amazing February kit from 2 Scrappy Chix Designs. Their kit had all this fabulous stuff in it but unfortunately it did not include one thing: my creativity.
I've just been having the hardest time doing anything creative lately. I feel like my talent went bye-bye, how frustrating! lol Anyway, I took a piece of patterned paper and tore it in half. Then I attached that to a different piece of patterned paper. I matted the photos in yet another patterned paper and attached those to the layout. I then thought of my title, got the alpha stickers that came with the kit and there you are! 10 minute layout! lol
My only consolation is that my creative mojo should return in some form as I received some cutesy poo Paper Blooms today and my kit from Gauche Alchemy should get here soon as well. So those have to make me good again, right? *crickets* RIGHT?!
Speaking of my lack of je ne sais quois, who wants to help me with my Friday Night Fab Five this week? I just thought of this idea and it's either going to be really cool or crash and burn...either way at least something exciting will happen, yes? So here's what I'm thinking:
I would love to have 5 different things from 5 different people to make up my Friday Night Fab Five this coming Friday. Do you have something you can't live without? Want to share with the rest of the class? Then e-mail it to me ASAP at katamommy at gmail dot com along with your blog address and any applicable links to said thing. The first 5 will make the list and if it's popular enough, I'll start doing this once a month!
Now let me clarify: I don't care what the "thing" is (as long as it's PG please!). It could be food, crafting products, clothes, books, movies, etc etc etc, get it? It could be something you have, inherited or just dream about having or experiencing. Anything at all that you think is fabulous and list worthy. If I get a lot of the same subject, I'll create more of a themed list, but otherwise it's anything goes! Sounds fun, right? *crickets* RIGHT?! lol
By the way, did y'all see Jocelyn's fabulous looking blog? The Amazing Traci from Sweet Cheeky Designs did it (and my blog makeover too)! And guess what?! She told me that anyone I send over to her gets $10 off their blog redesign so not to be an enabler or anything *innocent look* but if you've been on the fence about redoing your blog, tell Traci that Maggi sent you and grab that discount! lol
Let's close this randomized post with the opening to the movie "The Fleet's In". This 1942 film starring Dorothy Lamour, Bill Holden, Betty Hutton and Eddie Bracken was shown once on TCM years ago (that I know of) and I instantly fell in love with it. It hasn't been released on DVD (that I can find) and some nice person put the entire movie up on You Tube in 8 minute increments. Viva la Tube! Here's part one:
Very clever!!xx
I just adore you LO and I think it is perfect!!!! Sounds fun about the Fab Five!!!! Thanks for giving my Blog a shout out and yes I did get a $10.00 discount!!!! Traci is awesome and I am do happy with my Blog Redo!!!!!! Thanks for all the sweet comments that you leave me. I just adore your Blog and look forward to each post!!!! Give Toot a BIG HUG from me!!!! Have a Super Duper Day! :)
I think the LO is TOTALLY ADORABLE!!!!!!!! Those photos are CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......I have an idea for your fab 5 .. but not sure if it'd fit the bill!! LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Totally cute LO! And it's a little known fact that Paper Blooms goodies can, in fact, cure a lack of mojo.
Hey there! Mojo-a-no-go stinks! I HATE when that happens. But you sure worked past it with that adorable little layout! How could it not be a hit with those precious pics!
P.S. I sent you an email...with nothing in it! THEN, yahoo behaved and sent the correct one! LOL!
Oh Maggi, you are just too clever and witty! The layout is so cute and that hat is precious. You should go shopping at the Sleepy Poet again, you just might find something there that will get your creative juices flowing again!
Love your LO, it's so cute. You guys are the cutest family ever!
I am still contimplating a new blog 'do. If I do decide to do it, Traci's who I'll call!!!!
Hmmm, fab 5...hmmm hmmmm hmmmmmm.
Don't be crazy!!! For just a few items, you rocked tha lo!!! Goes to show, you don't need a ton of time, or crazy expensive products to make great work!!!!
I have a fab 5 something, but I don't know if I should tell you. It is very silly. (blush)
That is such a cute layout... I wish I could pull something together like that, but right now I just don't even feel it.
Hugs to you and Toot!
ahhhh, a fellow scrapbooker! Love the layout! Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day yesterday!
i'm in a SLUMP too and there are a few DT's I want to apply for! What am I to do????? Maggie, that layout is beautiful....I wish I could whip one out in 10 minutes like that! Speaking of blog redo.....you got me thinking girl! hmmmmmmmmmmm I gotta come up with some ideas though...not to mention some cashola!
I'm am so not a scrapbooker but you make it look sooo easy! and cute!!
Love your layout! Did you know that I can't scrap! I do it online but can't seem to do it at home. It's OCD- my homemade layouts never turn out good- I have a hard time layering! ha!
You should do a linky to the 5 Fab Friday. I would totally do it!
Great post. I think the Fab friday is a great idea. I apparently can't live without leopard animal print. Any animal print for that matter. I did not realize this until my 6 year niece brought it my attention. So observant she is!
love your layout.... love the pictures too. :)
Lily Allen Music is an inspirational theme soundtrack to get my juices flowing.
Your layout is great, but your daughter is delightful. What a sweetie pie.
Left you an award, come pick it up!!!!
The layout is adorable, but your daughter is beautiful. I love your blg it is cheery.
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