1. I've been a big reader since I was a young child. Once I started playing video games that fell to the way side for the most part and then when my crafting addiction kicked into high gear it plummeted to the way side. But like riding a bike again, you never forget how to do it and sometimes it just takes the right book to get you obsessed once more.

I've finished reading "I Loved Lucy" by Lee Tannen who was one of Lucille Ball's closest friends the last decade of her life. This book is a must for any Ball fan even though I found it a sad read at times. If you come across it, snatch it up!
2. Ally from xoxo, ally cannot live without her iPhone:

She says, "so my iPhone is exactally what I can't live a hour let alone a day without!!! This baby rocks my world!!! Ha!! {true story},,,"
3. Amanda from AB Home Interiors is all about animal print:

She says, "I apparently can't live without leopard animal print. Any animal print for that matter. I did not realize this until my 6 year niece brought it my attention. So observant she is!"
4. Lisa from Takin' Life One Day at a Time has chosen a doozy that I think we can all relate with:

She says, "Numero Uno Can't Live Without Item...The Freakin' Stinkin' Suck Up All Your Time Internet! But man, how I love it!"
5. And to round out the bunch, this week brought so many fab surprises for me that I am so grateful for! Check out my newest toy!

Angela, one of the fantastic friends I met at the Life Preservers Scrapbook Club forums won a Slice (way to go Angela!) and amazingly gave me her personal Cricut! WHA?!?! I couldn't believe it! So it came in the mail yesterday and I can't wait to give it a test drive!
Not only that but my good friend Callista sent me a surprise package with all sorts of teas and Hello Kitty goodies!
AND the multi-talented Jocelyn and Jackie gave me an award! Thanks so much ladies!!!

I'm so thankful for my wonderful and thoughtful friends that shared part of their Fab things with me, sent precious fun mail and gave me these awards. What a great way to start my weekend!!!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Great Friday Night Fab Five...I Loved Lucy too! Can't imagine that anyone doesn't love Lucy...something seriously wrong with you if you don't!
I refuse to get an iPhone, I can't control the additions I already have! Love my animal prints too and don't even get me started on the internet!
Lucky you...Free Cricut! Wooza!! Geez...now the pressures on, I can't possibly just send you strait pins Thanks a lot Angela!
Have a fab weekend Maggi!!
Wow, it's so nice that these gifts are coming your way- you're such an awesome, giving person yourself! Love the list. I'm gonna get the Lucy book, I'd love to read it.
Have a great weekend!
LOVE this idea Maggi! Too cool reading about everyone's favs! And a super-de-duper WAHOO for the Cricut! You are going to have a blast with it!
Fun Fab 5!!! I want to play along!!!! Wow, you got a cricut..how awesome and I need to read that book!!!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!!! :)
Ohhhhhhhhhhh I am loving this LIST!!!!!! VERY cool HAPPY MAIL U got this week!!! WOW WOW WOW! :):):):):):):):):):)
Damn I forgot to send in my fab 1 ... Oh well, great list, and a CRICUT! OMG OMG OMG How exciting is that?~>~>~>~ EKDJBCUBCSJICBSJI I'm so excited for you I lost control, YAH!
It looks like it has already found an awesome home! :D I am loving that you gave me a blog shout out. :D Great way to show appreciation. lol I can't wait to see what you make with it.
I do a hello kitty of the month picture on my blog.
BTW, hello kitty has been in hawaii, her welcome home pic will be up june 21st.
all your other fab 5's are awsome, and what an awsome friend to give you her cricut!!! that rocks!!
man you just had a great week! hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Great Fab Five ... Lucy's a doll! Have a super weekend! xx
Wow Maggie so cool!!!!
Your blog rocks!
Hey Maggi! Your blog is so awesome! I enjoy visiting you here! I gave you a One Lovely Blog Award! Hugs!
Oh you will be in LOVE with your cricut!! I love mine....you need to go to the forums at Cricut.com they have all kinds of great ideas:) What carts do you have? Can you tell I am excited for you?
super congrats on the cricut - so generous! loving your blog - you stopped by mine so i came to see you! I love all things Audrey (my fave movie is Roman Holiday) and Katherine Hepburn too (love the philadelphia story)! will be back!
Terrific roundup! I've never heard of that book before, but would certainly be interested in checking it out. I have a lot of friends who are Lucy fans and I'll definitely be mentioning it to them, too. Thanks! :)
Wishing you a gorgeous Tuesday,
♥ Jessica
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